What makes ARK different
Individuals with learning difficulties can learn, they just learn differently.
Using strategic learning methods, ARK Institute of Learning unlocks each individual’s learning difficulty with solutions that fit their personal needs.
Menu of Services
Educational Evaluations
Individualized Instruction
Consultation and Participation in IEP and Evaluation School Meetings
Dyslexia Screenings
Gifted Testing
Teacher Trainings
Professional development (with clock hour option)
Presentations for Community Groups
Support for homeschool students and families

ARK’s Approach
ARK provides individualized assessments to all students who have not received a recent educational evaluation. In some cases, ARK supplements existing assessment data to complete the learning profile. Assessments guide our instruction by providing the basis for a thorough and individualized strategic plan for achieving future learning and academic success.
Based on each student’s individual needs, assessments include some or all of the following:
Collect relevant information from the client’s history
Identify the client’s academic strengths and weaknesses based on testing data
Diagnose a learning disorder (if present)
Describe how learning strengths and weaknesses impact academic progress
Provide specific recommendations for appropriate classroom and testing accommodations when appropriate
Present recommendations for instruction using skills and strategies that will help the client achieve learning goals.
Instruction and Support
Individualized instruction is designed to build and apply the skills and strategies to unlock learning. Goals are based on the results of the assessment and the academic expectations presented to the student. Instruction is scheduled in 50-minute sessions. Upon completion of each set a progress report is presented. Recommendations are made to determine next steps.
To help support a student’s success throughout the process ARK instructors can schedule conferences with teachers. This type of collaboration supports the student as they move through their individual instruction plan. It ensures that ARK instructors, teachers, and parents are all working in unison to support learning success.
“The most rewarding thing about working with clients is helping them to understand concepts that weren’t very clear before; the moment they start catching on is really neat to experience. The most unexpected thing is getting to see firsthand how different everyone’s learning profile is. The phrase ‘no two people think alike’ is truer than I ever knew!”

Begin your journey to learning success.