Because of generous gifts, ARK Institute of Learning is able to continue its mission “to diminish the impact of learning disorders in the lives of individuals.”

Gifts of Stock can be made by submitting this completed authorization form.
Gifts such as transfers from an IRA may be made by emailing dkehm@arkinst.org
or calling 253-759-9648.
As a result of participating in ARK programs, students struggling to learn have gained the ability to achieve success in school, enhance their skills for life, and improve their lives for a brighter future.
ARK’s Board of Directors, the staff, and all of the individuals and families ARK serves are grateful for donor support. Grants and donations are sought year-round. Generous contributions allow ARK to continue to provide the high quality of service for which it is known.
ARK is a tax-exempt public charity under Section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code:
Tax ID #91-1713751.

Each year, ARK Institute of Learning helps more than 150 struggling students reach their potential and set goals to further their education. Student success results in a variety of achievements including higher test grades, higher GPAs, increased positive attitudes and behaviors about school and life, increased self confidence, motivation, and achievement, a revived liking of school, and an increased connectedness to school, family, and community.